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Need help in english

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Need help in english Empty Need help in english

Post by KarmaSoB Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:36 pm

Hey, I have a question as to what the definition of "classical arguments" are. I'm supposed to write an essay for my english III advanced placement class, due tomorow.
The topic has to be on a social, political, or historical event.

I've chosen the Vietnam War, but ow have to figure out the rest.lol

Can anyone help?



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Need help in english Empty Re: Need help in english

Post by GreatBuddha Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:21 pm

I am your man (study politics and history) but can`t speak english... Laughing

you chose a very hard topic, vietnam is discutated at the moment a lot. why you don`t take a topic like the american-spanish war at the end of the 19th century? its the first step of the american emperial politic in the 20th century... ?

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Need help in english Empty Re: Need help in english

Post by KarmaSoB Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:29 pm

because I wanted to tie it in with the current War on Terror.



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Need help in english Empty Re: Need help in english

Post by KarmaSoB Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:40 pm

Hey, I finished the essay. I wanted to see what ya'll thought of it:

The Vietnam War
(Presented in Classical Argument Form)

For the last two centuries, America has been seen as the proverbial "big brother" to democratic nations worldwide. The United States has been protecting democracy across the planet, facing down communists and extremists alike who threaten freedom. This nation first defended freedom in its own revolution from Great Britian in 1775, only to do it again in 1812. America then went to war for the freedom of Texans to break away from Mexico, and won. This nation went on to fight for freedom in numerous other engagements including but not limited to: the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Kosovo Conflict, and the current War on Terror. For each of these, the track record was the same- victory for the United States. If only this was true. Of those mentioned, one ended in failure, and the other has not yet finished; but there is cause for worry. The Vietnam War ended in failure because of multiple reasons. Those same reasons are endangering the outcome of this war- the War on Terror. The main source of America's failure is the poisoning of the public mind by liberal controlled media.
The Vietnam War (America's official part) began in 1961, when Communist soldiers from North Vietnam crossed the border into Democratic South Vietnam. The President of South Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem, specifically requested the presence of American troops to help curb the tide of the Vietcong. America replied, sending 400 Army Green Berets to act as 'advisors.' Over the next three years, troop strength continued to rise at a crawl. Then, in response to the renewed efforts made by the Vietcong to overrun South Vietnam, American force deployment surged. Over 150,000 troops were deployed in 1965. By 1968, over 550,000 American troops were sent to Vietnam. As troop casualties rose, citizens back home bagan to express anger and resentment at the government for sending troops in the first place. They began staging anti-war rallys, even a march on Washington in which 250,000 protestors participated. At these rallys, the people burned draft cards, shouted obscene things at returning soldiers- going so far as to throw human feces at them as they debarked the plane- and generally made a nuisance of themselves as well as showing the public what an uneducated society could produce. The American media expounded on this, and began to incite even more of America's citizens into a frenzy. American troops in Vietnam no longer believed in the cause of defending freedom and began to falter in their duties- all because of anti-war sentiment that undermined our national trust, not only in our soldiers abilities to win, but also in our leadership. This led to acts that bordered on treason. And we are letting it happen again!
Unlike the Vietnam War, the Global War on Terror (TGWT, as known in politics) was started on our own soil with the infamous 9/11 attacks. Only this time, instead of this conflict being bases only on the spread of Communism, it was a matter of religious warfare. An attack on the Christian nature of mainstream America. Beginning in 2001, and continuing into 2004, America once again deployed troops to defend it's freedom and sovereignty from outside agressors. At the head of a worldwide coalition, America began it's campaign in Afghanistan, where it faced litle difficulty in routing out the terrorists embedded there. From Afghanistan, America moved on to remove a Communist dictator from power in Iraq, which resulted in almost overnight freedom for the citizens. But as we gained ground in Iraq, the terrorists began guerilla activities, ranging from IED's (improvised explosive devices) to car bombs planted outside mosques and military installations. As the death toll grows higher, we see the same groups of people from the Vietnam War begin to stand up, and protest. Although they have not reached the point of throwing human feces at our troops, they have begun to picket, holding signs that read,"Thank God for IED's!","Thank God For Dead Soldiers!","Bush Lies, Who Dies?" This sort of mockery once again attracts th attention of the media, who once again,like a little newsboy in New York City, stands on the streetcorners yelling,"Soldiers die! Doom and Gloom!"
This last passage leads me to further expand the readers' knowlege of this subject by presenting a view of the news media, not as a source of information, but as a source of negative information. In the world of the news media, good news does not sell. Therefore, anything that has a way to get a negative connotation, the news media will find ti and use it. To tie this information in with the topic of the paper, let the reader chew on this. The news media only presents the information of how many soldiers have died, the locations of the day's car bombings, and how much the war is affecting our economy (in a negative way, of course). But most of all, the media is controlled by the Liberal Party of America. Anything and everything is acceptable under this system, except of course Christianity, because it offends those without faith. But what the news media fails to report, is the cahnges that have taken place in the Middle East. How that the standard of living has increased by 29%, that clean drinking water has reached over 18,000 people in Afghanistan alone, and how we are winning. Slowly but surely, we are winning. But this isn't news that will sell. Reporting such as this has created such crazed fools as Miss Sheehan, who publicly appeared on a communist television show denouncing America for going into Iraq. The news media loved this, and in covering Sheehan's campaign, they unwittingly converted thousands of citizens to a brainwashed mindset that eliminating the enemies of America was "wrong and immoral."
Now that most of the background of this paper is set, let us determine the correct course of action. First on the agenda, the Global War on Terror. Does it have the right to exist? YES is the appropriate answer. To better describe the Muslim extremists who staged the 9/11 attacks, and held many nations of the Middle East under their oppresive rule, I have decided to steal a term from Orson Scott Card, a well known science fiction author. This term is varelse. This means that something is so alien and uncomprehendable that they can not be communicated with or understood, thus making them the ultimate danger to the survival of self, community, or nation. The terrorists that we currently find ourselves embattled with know nothing but hate and descrimination against Christians and Jews. In the Quaran, it states that all who do not bow to Allah must face the sword. There is no other way. Submit or die. Yet, as a predomintely Christian nation, America has turned the rule of the land over to the minority instead of the majority. We have given the keys of power to those who would wish for the downfall of America through any means possible, even if it means that we become subjugated to Islam. America's citizenry must stand up for our nation, and take back our government from those who would cheer at its destruction. We must spread the truth of how much good has been done in teh Middle East, how American soldiers have been cheered as they marched in villiages and towns by the citizens of these countries we took back from the terrorists. We must make known the results of the valor of our fighting men and women so that our citizens can rally behind them, instead of protesting against them.
The next step that should be taken to prevent a modern day Vietnam, is that we should take hold of the media, and let it know that "Freedom of Speech" does have its limits. That these limits are at subtle espionage, and the limit of where speaking out against leaders turns from disgruntlement into treason. We must inforce a law that for every negative thing that is reported, at least one positive event must be reported with it, so that we can correct the lopsided view that inherits this nation today. This would become the pinacle of our society, if for once we might act as one- instead of a house divided.
To sum up this paper, let us recap what was presented. Vietnam bagan with a foreign nation requesting our help. When we began to give such help, it cost us- in human lives. This was seiged upon by certain groups as an opportunity to promote chaos and disobedience. Similarly, the news media used these events to achieve their own agenda, which created a breakdown of national pride, and the discipline and wills of our troops serving abroad- and this led to their defeat. Once the will to fight was lost, our troops no longer cared whether we won or lost. They just wanted to go home. This was a mistake. Instead of showing America's strength to the world, we showed them how we could be brought to our knees- by playing on the whims of Socialist America. We did not learn from our past mistakes, and are letting it happen again. We must not let it go on any further. We must tell the Liberal Left that they need to sit down, shut up, and hang on, because our troops are going to finish their job, and make America safe from extremists who are willing to strap bombs on their own children and send them running into our arms. We must make the media adhere to a standard of conduct that does not undermine national pride, and the authority of the leaders. We must take our country back, or else America will no longer be the 'Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave,' but the land of the oppressed, and the home of the cowards.

-->Any thoughts?


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Need help in english Empty Re: Need help in english

Post by 5min4fight is bornbad Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:28 am

As I know:
- Hussein was no communist
- I would say something about us-weapon transfer to all this countrys before the war against them
- Vietnam was a french colony, the french fought first there and they asked for help to stabilyze the disliked system
- USA are in danger to fight with the same religious arguments like their enemys
- the last words must be army-doctrin?!

5min4fight is bornbad

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Need help in english Empty Re: Need help in english

Post by philipos Sat Mar 15, 2008 5:41 am

wow... Shocked
i agree with 5min4fight about his answer.

sorry for you jackIII, but i'm afraid that you're like many american people who are missinformed about what is REALLY happen in the rest of the world and "brainwashed" on many subjects (army, religion, economy, power of your country...)
as said Hussein wasn't communist (where did you find such info ???) and before USA come, there was no integrist religious in the country and no terrorist. the wole wild world know they come here only for oil and certainly not for terrorism. there was no connection between him and integrists (oh, and no more massive destruction weapon of course...)

it's "funny" to see when you write:
"the news media, not as a source of information, but as a source of negative information"
can't you believe that what you call "negative information" is simply the truth ? do you really believe that american soldiers are like heros for the people in irak and afghanistan ? here in europe we don't have the same source then.
znd when yo usay you will win in afghanistan... Laughing look the history! USSR stay for years with 350.000 soldiers but they lose. with only 60.000 the actual colalition have no chance.

for ending, i'm terrified to see a 17y old guy writing
"We must make the media adhere to a standard of conduct that does not undermine national pride, and the authority of the leaders" Shocked Shocked
you talk about USA champion of the democracy... and you talk like a despot, dictator who want to gag on information sources.

please, try to think by yourself, find informations from other countries and compare.

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Need help in english Empty Re: Need help in english

Post by unique07 Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:40 am

I can help you for write this essay in English. If you need to get idea about this essay then you could find on google and you will find good articles there. english language course london


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