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NAP-terms from Buddha

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NAP-terms from Buddha Empty NAP-terms from Buddha

Post by GreatBuddha Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:47 am

1] This pact includes all members of [SoB] and [other alliance]

2] Members do not

[*] attack members of the other alliance
[*] help another party to attack members of the other alliance
[*] give out any confidential information about the other alliance
[*] do not let other alliance use their planets or systems as spaceports

3] If an alliance has information about an attack on the other alliance they must inform the other alliance

4] In case of an accidental battle, the alliances have to get in contact to solve this problem promptly and in a peaceful way

5] An alliance may not send fleets to any system the other alliance already has planets in, unless it is a shared system, without getting permission from the other alliance first

6] Fleet movement and expansion in a shared system must be coordinated between alliances

7] No recruitment in systems of the partner. Special situations may be discussed.

8] This pact begins after both alliances have accepted it and ends with the beginning of Gold XX

Number of posts : 1303
Age : 42
Alliance : [SoB]
Rank : buddha himselfs
Registration date : 2007-11-05


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